Research Prospectus

Dimitrios and I completed our Literature Review on the topic of Gamification and Game-Based Learning.  Though studies have been done regarding this topic, very few were found which focused on the results of game-based learning.  Our research proposal focuses on the effectiveness of game-based learning.  Watch for the details!


de Byl, P. (2013). Factors at play in tertiary curriculum gamification. International journal of game-based learning, 3(2), 1-21. Retrieved from


  1. Shari,
    After reading through your literature review, and watching your blog in which you highlighted your proposed research, I am even more inspired to use games for learning. Because I teach math, I normally refer to the entire subject as a game with rules that requires practice. According to your blog, your research proposal follows a very systematic approach, and if the research were actually performed, I would be most interested in reading your findings. Earlier, when I was working on my MBA, I did extensive research in game theory as it applies to business and economics, and in an abstract way, I can see how game theory, in that sense, can be applied to gamification. Thank you for providing a great explanation of gamification.



    1. Tammy, part of our study focused on Massive Multiplayer Games. I have played them and think they would provide a great way to teach economics, since they are virtual worlds with their own trade and economy. Did you find any information about that in your research?



    1. Thank you, Timothy! How fascinating to learn about how serious games are used in the Army. I can think of several ways that they would be beneficial. It seems like games and simulations could allow soldiers to practice life-saving skills while being in no actual harm until they become proficient. I don’t know if you’ve ever read the book, “Ender’s Game”, but it was essentially a book about using battle simulations to learn to fight a war… interesting stuff. I hope our military can put these methods into practice and save lives!
      Merry Christmas to you! Shari

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      1. Shari,
        I just ordered the book on Amazon. In my current role I build scenarios for training military intelligence Soldiers. I’m always looking for ways to improve our training environment. I can assure you that the Army is using these methods to indeed save lives. Thanks.


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  2. Gamification is definitely influencing many different aspects of life! I like how you connect it to the real life example of Four Square. It is certainly becoming more pervasive in everyday life. At the elementary school I currently teach in, there is quite a bit of gamification. Two examples that quickly come to mind are First in Math and Myon. First in Math is a computer program where students earn points for completing math work on the computer both at school and at home. Students with the highest score are often honored with something to let them stand out from the others. Myon is a reading program that tracks books that the students read. Students earn points for books read and often earn prizes and rewards for achieving certain amounts of books. Great research topic and an excellent proposal to study it further!

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